Make Your Charitable Giving Even More Impactful

5 Innovative Ways to Make Your Charitable Giving Even More Impactful

Everybody contributes to charity. Some keep it local; some give to more prominent, more well-known charities. Some prefer writing checks; others like giving monthly donations. It’s all about your comfort level, the type of person, and your values. Here are five innovative ways to make your charitable giving more impactful.

1. Finding a Meeting of the Minds

Research can help you find a gift that goes further. For example, did you know that there are matching gifts? If you donate to a cause, someone else will match your donation with their own. For example, some companies’ foundations will match their employee’s donations to non-profits dollar for dollar—up to a certain amount of money. You can search online for groups that offer matching gifts and see if any of your favorite non-profits are included on the list.

2. Looking for Green Spaces

In recent years, the importance of green spaces in cities has been recognized. The presence of natural areas — parks, forests, and rivers — has many benefits for people who live around them. For instance, access to these spaces can help a person’s overall health and well-being by improving air quality and encouraging physical activity.

Additionally, urban green spaces are havens for native biodiversity; they provide a home to various insects and birds that would otherwise struggle to survive in an area with so many other buildings or developments present. 

If you’re looking for ways to make your charitable giving even more impactful this year, consider donating money towards maintaining existing green areas in nearby cities or supporting organizations involved in creating new ones! 

3. Blaze Your Trail

Donate to a charity of your choice. If you don’t have a particular charitable organization in mind, Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to a charity of their choice. You can also make donating personal by choosing charities that are local to you or that are focused on causes that speak to your heart.

4. Time Is Money

Volunteering your time is a great way to make a difference without spending any money. Perhaps you can help people with their tax or business questions, or you’d prefer to tutor kids in English and math.

Regardless of the area in which you volunteer, the time and energy you put into helping others will have an impact. Remember that helping others is a skill just like anything else—and it’s one of the most valuable skills there is. 

5. The Power of Knowledge

Make sure that you’re doing whatever you can to make the world a better place; it’s essential to stay informed about your money and what they are doing. Research the legitimacy of your preferred charity before making any donation.


There’s a wide range of options for donating money to a charity. Whichever way you choose to donate, choosing a charity with efficient spending habits can ensure your donation is good. Learn more from Stefan Soloviev.

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