Are You a Data Scientist or an IT Job (2)

Are You a Data Scientist or an IT Job?

Data Science is a hot topic in many industries these days, but it can be difficult to understand what a data scientist actually does. This article will explain what Data Science is and isn’t, help you decide if this career path is right for you, and give you the steps to take if it is.

It’s not about computers.

Data scientists are not computer programmers, statisticians, or data analysts. They’re also not data engineers or architects. So what do they do?

The answer is simple: they use computers to solve big problems that require a lot of data. And in order for them to be able to do this effectively and efficiently, they need their own set of tools–a suite of software programs designed specifically for working with large amounts of information (or “big data”). This means learning how these tools work together as well as understanding how each individual program works on its own.

Data Science is about Machine Learning.

Data Science is about Machine Learning. When you hear the term “data science,” what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s a picture of someone in a lab coat, hunched over a computer with wires sticking out of their head. Or maybe it’s an image of an engineer or computer scientist staring intently at their monitor while typing away at code–and then suddenly jumping up and shouting “Eureka!” or something similar upon discovering a new insight into how things work.

If these are your impressions of what data science is all about, then congratulations! You’ve just illustrated why so many people struggle with understanding this field: They think it’s either boring (like computers) or magical (like wizardry). In reality though, both those perceptions are wrong on multiple levels: Data Science isn’t about computers; it’s about people and how humans interact with machines. And while some parts do require study from technical fields such as mathematics and programming languages like Python or R (the latter being used extensively by data scientists), most skills needed fall under topics like statistics; artificial intelligence/machine learning; visualizing data sets through charts & diagrams so they can be understood easily by nontechnical folks like myself who aren’t familiar enough yet with all those fancy terms above either…

Data Science is about working with data analysts, designers, and other creative professionals.

Data Science is not a job that can be done in isolation. It’s a team sport. Data scientists work with data analysts, designers, and other creative professionals to make sure that the company has the most accurate information possible to make its products and services better.

As part of this process you need to be able to communicate your findings in plain English (or whatever language is appropriate for your audience). If you don’t know how something works then there’s no way anyone else will either! You also need to understand what everyone else does in order for them all to work together seamlessly towards achieving one goal: improving customer experience through better products or services data science or an it job.

Data Science isn’t just for big companies.

You don’t need to work for a large company to use data science. In fact, you can use it at any company. Data science can help you get a job at any company, whether it’s small or large.

Data scientists have many different skill sets and specialties that they use when working with data. For example:

  • Business analysts find ways to make businesses more efficient by analyzing their processes and figuring out how they can be improved based on past performance (this includes things like cost reduction).
  • Data engineers build tools that allow other people in their organization access into the data so they can do analysis themselves without needing help from IT staff members who might not even know what “SQL” stands for!

The skills you need to succeed aren’t technical in nature.

As a data scientist, you’ll need to be able to communicate your ideas. You’ll need to be able to work with people and convince them that your insights are valuable. You will also need to learn new things constantly in order to stay current on the latest technologies available for analyzing data sets.

Data scientists must also think creatively in order to solve problems using data science methods and tools–and they must have problem-solving skills because they will face challenges not only from their own ignorance but also from other stakeholders who may not understand why certain decisions were made or what kinds of conclusions can be drawn from results obtained through various analyses.*

Don’t have a computer science background? Want to do something different from your IT job? Consider becoming a data scientist.

Are you an IT professional who wants to do something different from your current job? Data science may be the answer for you.

Data scientists are people who use data to solve problems, not just write code or run reports. They’re usually not programmers, statisticians and most definitely not computer scientists (or any other kind of scientist). If any of these descriptions sound like your current position – then becoming a data scientist is probably not going to work out well for either one of us!

If this sounds like something that interests you though – read on!


Data science is a great field to get into, and the skills required are not technical in nature. If you’re interested in becoming a data scientist, make sure to check out our data science training course here at Udemy!

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