Best hidden gems in Bali you need to know about

Best hidden gems in Bali you need to know about

Admit it: most of us want to visit Bali and those who have been there wish to return. With stunning landscapes, delicious cuisine, and powdery-white sand beaches, Bali is globally renowned as a holidayer’s paradise.

It is known to all that there are infinite things to explore and experience in Bali. Relaxing on a beach, staying in a hotel with an infinity pool, and visiting the rice terraces; there is so much more to Bali than meets the eye. Beyond Denpasar and Seminyak there is a treasure trove of hidden gems to explore when you visit this paradise island.

Here are our faves for hidden treasures in Bali Tour Packages Ahmedabad that you need to visit:

Dusun Kuning Waterfall

If you are looking out for the lesser explored or rather unknown waterfalls in Bali – then Dusun Kuning Waterfall is for you. This waterfall features beautiful hikes. It passes through the river and lush jungles. If luck favors you, perhaps even the entire waterfall will be yours. The waterfall is close to the cities of Canggu and Ubud. A 45-minute drive from Ubud, passing through rice fields and palm trees, will lead you to this waterfall. A scooter is an apt and fun way to reach this location. It is the ideal spot for relaxing, having a picnic, and swimming.

Sumberkima Village

One of the hidden tranquil retreats in northern Bali is the Sumberkima Village. It is the best option to escape the bustling crowds and wants to immerse you in the authentic and serene Balinese lifestyle. Around Sumberkima Village are beaches, forests, mountains, and oceans. You can get a feel of Balinese culture by engaging in traditional festivals, learning about Balinese crafts, and visiting nearby temples. This village is also a fun base for adventure activities.

Pemuteran Beach

Pemuteran Beach is definitely on the list of hidden gems of Bali. This beach has stunning coral reefs, a beautiful landscape, and a spot away from the hustle and bustle of crowded places in Bali. This beach has clear blue waters and black sand, which is great to stroll on the beach. It also has multiple resorts and restaurants with a sea view. The beach is renowned for its artificial bio-rock reef restoration project. The underwater Temple Garden is another highlight of this beach. Pemuteran Beach is ideal for trekking, snorkeling, nature excursions, swimming, exploring the temple, and diving.

Leke Leke Waterfall

Leke Leke Waterfall is in Tabanan Regency in Bali. The drive takes about one and a half hours from Kuta, Canggu, and Seminyak. This waterfall is best accessed by a scooter. Leke Leke Waterfall is ideal if you are looking for a secluded and authentic Bali experience. To get to this place, you will have to trek through the lush greenery filled with exotic flora and fauna. Once you reach you will be in awe of the cascading falls through the terraced rocks in a pool. Apart from unwinding at these falls, and swimming, you can also explore nearby villages, rice paddies, etc.

Atuh Beach

Nusa Penida Island is renowned for its many beautiful beaches on its perimeter. One of them is Atuh Beach. It is a remote and picturesque beach on the eastern coast of the island. The beach features white sand beaches, turquoise waters, and tall limestone cliffs that offer a beautiful backdrop. The steep staircase leading to the beach creates an aura of seclusion and adventure. You can enjoy snorkeling, sunbathing, swimming or simply chilling on the beach. Atuh Beach is ideal for getting away from the masses and admiring the natural beauty of Bali’s less-explored areas.

Tembeling Beach

A hidden beach on the regular tourist island of Nusa Penida is Tembeling Beach. Not just the beach is exciting – the journey to reach this beach is equally adventurous. You will have to ride through sketchy roads passing through the natural pools and lush forests on the way. If you are looking for a classic forest adventure with steep dirt tracks, vine-swinging monkeys, and remote swimming spots in Nusa Penida, then this is a perfect choice. The location of beach is between the Peguyangan Waterfall and Kelingking Beach. Enjoy this secret white sand beach minus the tourist groups all to yourself.


If you are looking for options beyond the beaches in Bali and are keen on a change of scenery, then Munduk is just right for you. In most situations, beaches in Bali prevail over their mountainous terrain. Munduk is renowned for its stunning natural waterfalls and beautiful landscapes. There are many locations to discover, like the waterfall and temples. You would be surprised to know that Munduk is home to many coffee plantations and has some of the best coffee in the country. Munduk also features many adventure opportunities to explore. Go for the 4WD safari through the wilderness and rice terraces.


Many best Places to visit in Bali have yet to be discovered, ranging from mysterious waterfalls to secluded beaches and off-the-beaten-path rice fields. With the tourism explosion on this tiny island – popular places are crowded and hectic; this leaves us to seek non-touristy and unique spots in Bali. Check out our incredible selection of Bali tour packages if you are thinking of a great itinerary that includes such unknown jewels in Bali.

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