Growing Your Instagram Follower

Growing Your Instagram Follower


If you want to build a successful Instagram account, you need to grow your following. The best way to do this is by engaging with your audience and posting quality content on a consistent basis. Follow these 11 tips and tricks to grow your Instagram following:

Post often.

  • Post often.

It’s important to post at least once a day, but posting more than that is not recommended. When you over-post (posting too much), it can be seen as spammy by your followers and they will become less inclined to follow you in the future.

Keep your feed consistent.

Consistency is the key to building and maintaining a loyal, engaged audience. One of the best ways to do this is by keeping your feed consistent. If you have a theme or style that you like to use on Instagram, stick with it! Followers trust and are more loyal when they know what to expect from their favorite accounts. Consistency builds trust, brand loyalty, brand recognition, brand awareness, and even authority within your niche.

Followers will be much more likely to engage with posts that follow a theme or style that they know about when it comes time for them to share those same posts themselves. Consistency also makes it easier for users who stumble upon your profile first-hand (and not through a hashtag search) because now they don’t have as much trouble finding something interesting in the way of content on their own accord—they already know what kind of stuff you post most often!

Tag people.

  • Tag people in your post.
  • Tag people in the comments.
  • Tag people in your story.
  • Tag people in your bio.
  • Tag people in the caption of a photo or video posted by someone else.

Develop hashtags that are unique to your brand.

One of the most effective ways to make your posts more visible is by including hashtags. While they’re typically used by brands and influencers to categorize content, they can also help you stand out from other accounts in your niche.

Hashtags are used to help people find photos and videos on Instagram, so having a hashtag that’s unique to your brand will help you boost engagement with users who aren’t already following you yet.

Hashtags should be short and memorable—the shorter, the better! If someone can’t remember it after reading it once or twice, there’s a good chance it won’t stick in their mind when scrolling through their feed later on.

Respond to comments and engage with your followers.

Responding to comments and engaging with your followers will help grow your following. Here are a few ways that it can do that:

  • Responding to comments is a great way to build relationships with your followers. If you respond to every comment, you’ll be able to show that you care about them and their opinions, which could make them more loyal and supportive of what you have to say.
  • Responding helps you engage with your followers. When they see that they can communicate with you on Instagram, this may encourage others who don’t currently follow or interact regularly with your account (but who might be interested in doing so) to become involved in the conversation as well.
  • Responding helps build trust between brands/people and their customers/followers—which makes people more likely buy products from those companies/individuals down the line!

Use influencers to grow your following.

Influencers can help you grow your follower base in several ways. First, influencers have a large following and are more likely to engage with your content than a random user. This means that if you get an influencer to share one of your posts, it’s more likely to be seen by their followers than if they were just sharing it themselves. Influencers can help you reach new audiences as well: someone might follow an influencer who they’ve never heard of before because they’re interested in what he or she has to say about their niche (for example, fitness), which could then lead them back towards your account. Finally, if an influencer likes what you’re doing enough, he or she may decide to start liking some of your photos—which doesn’t do much for growing numbers but does make other people pay attention!

Offer giveaways and contests.

Giving your followers something of value can be a great way to boost your Instagram follower count.

Offering a giveaway or contest is a good way to do this, as you are giving your followers something that they want in exchange for following you on Instagram.

You can offer a free product, discount or coupon as part of the giveaway prize. You should choose something that is relevant to your brand and easy for you to give away—for example, an ebook on marketing strategies could be given away by an agency with expertise in this area.

It’s also important that the prize is easy for followers to win so they feel more motivated towards entering the competition!

Post at the right time of day for your audience—not for you. And do it consistently.

The best time to post on Instagram is dependent on your audience. If you know when your followers are online and what kind of content they like, then it’s easy to determine the best times to post. But if you don’t know, my suggestion is to experiment with various times throughout the day and see when your posts get the most engagement.

Once you have determined the right time for posting (and shared consistently), grow a following by interacting with other accounts as often as possible—following new people, liking their posts, commenting on them and sharing them with friends.

If you actively engage and post quality content, you can predictabaly build a solid following on Instagram

If you engage with your followers, post quality content, and post at the right time of day, you can predictably build a solid following on Instagram.


We hope that this post has given you some ideas on how to grow your Instagram followers. We know it can be frustrating when things aren’t going well, but just remember that there are always ways to improve your strategy, and each of them will lead to success if followed consistently over time. Remember that it takes time for any social media platform to build up a following, so don’t get discouraged if things don’t happen overnight!

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