Mesotherapy- Miracle injections for glowing skin.


Millennials are handling the process of aging differently compared to the older generation. While our mom used to spend their money on face creams, millennials are spending it on getting non-surgical treatment and procedures done. The younger generation is interested in quick and long-term fixes. They don’t want to waste their time buying and applying anti-aging creams.

The best thing is that the anti-aging treatments and procedures are quite conveniently available for everyone. There was a time when Botox was only for celebrities. However, now almost everyone or anyone can get it done.

What is mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a French treatment that is used for skin issues and hair thinning. The doctor uses several small needle injections to deliver a cocktail of vitamins and nutrients into your skin. Mesotherapy is used for improving the texture of your skin, smoothens away the wrinkles and fine lines, stimulation of the production of collagen in our body.

In recent times, mesotherapy is popularly being used for maintaining a youthful look. The mesotherapy injection contains fibroblasts that include essential amino acids, minerals, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and stem cells. Doctors can tailor the nutrients of the mesotherapy injection according to the requirement of the patient.

If you are looking for an instant solution for your tired-looking skin, mesotherapy is the best treatment. This treatment is also popular for treating acne and hyperpigmentation. The vitamin cocktail is going to light your skin up and flush out the aging toxins from your body. You can deal with the aging process in a better way with this treatment.

A typical mesotherapy injection contains 50 nourishing ingredients to revitalize your skin. If you are looking for a quick fix to get a glow on your face, you can get this treatment done. If you have wrinkles on your face, you can combine the treatment alongside dermal fillers or botox.

How does mesotherapy works?

Mesotherapy is suitable for healthy individuals over 18 years of age. It is your doctor who is going to decide what kind of nutrients to add to the mesotherapy. The choice of nutrients depends on your skin type, the issue that needs to be resolved, and your medical history.

The suitable substance is injected into your skin with small-bore needles. The procedure is not painful, although there are several needles involved. A numbing cream is applied to the area to be treated for 45 minutes.

The vitamins cocktail stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in your body. Your skin looks fresh and young with the acceleration of blood circulation in your body after getting the treatment done.

Mesotherapy is suitable for problems like dark spots, wrinkles, regional fattening, and hair problems.

Benefits of mesotherapy

  • It eliminates wrinkles and fine lines on your face and skin.
  • It ensures that the scars, spots, and marks on your face vanish away
  • It is suitable for color correction of the skin and hyperpigmentation.
  • It allows you to deal with skin sagging around your face and neck.
  • It makes the skin look healthier, brighter, tight, and fuller.


There are things you need to pay attention to after getting the treatment done. After the application of mesotherapy, you cannot take any blood-thinning medicine like aspirin. You also have to avoid taking it a few days before the procedure. You have to avoid putting water on the area that has been treated for 10 to 15 hours.

Moreover, the therapy enhances blood circulation in your body. It is better to wear loose clothes to avoid the process of circulation. You can apply make-up after 10 to 15 hours. You should avoid taking alcohol, high protein foods, and smoking before getting the treatment done. You should not be scratching or touching the treated area to prevent any kind of infection. If there is a need to touch the area, you need to make sure that you wash your hands first. It is better to avoid touching it for 10 to 15 hours.

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