Tools to Watch Instagram Stories

Instagram Story viewers are apps or websites that enable you to watch other users’ IG Stories without their knowledge. Their homepage features an easy search bar so you can quickly locate their username.

This tool is both straightforward and user-friendly; as well as being free.


Iganony is a creative suite that gives users all of the tools necessary for media creation and sharing, such as Instagram Stories, web pages, or social media graphics. Templates offer users with limited design experience an easy starting point while its features help elevate your content’s quality.

Iganony Video tool offers you an effortless way to create captivating and captivating videos for social media platforms, no matter the platform. Choose from various templates and easily add images, text, videos, music and transitions – it even works on both desktop computers and mobile devices! Easily customize the size of your video while uploading custom music or voiceovers; cinema-quality animation can even be added for an unforgettable video experience!

With this tool, it’s simple and fast to create professional-looking videos for Instagram stories. It features numerous customizable options – themes, fonts and colors can all be changed easily – as well as several special effects like slow-mo, duo mode and echo effect for additional special touches.

Add images to your Instagram Stories can help set yourself apart from other users and draw in new followers, while simultaneously helping promote your brand or business. While using images can draw people’s attention quickly, ensure that all photos follow Instagram rules when using photos as an eye catcher.

Hype Type

Hype Type allows you to add text animation effects to your Instagram Stories with various fonts and backgrounds for added flair. Plus, Hype Type features several editing tools designed to help create distinctive and eye-catching content!

This app is available on both iOS and Android devices, featuring an intuitive user experience that’s simple to navigate. Plus, its free download offers access to many features – you can add text, shapes, stickers to Instagram stories as well as choose between different styles and colours of text insertion!

Life Lapse is another highly-recognized app for creating Instagram stories: this stop-motion video editor boasts powerful editing tools as well as filters, music tracks and interval timers to ensure the perfect timing of your videos.

Instagram Stories offer another excellent feature – being able to link directly to products and services can be an effective way of increasing sales. Furthermore, polls within stories allow you to gauge audience sentiment about them.


InShot is one of the top Instagram Stories tools you can use to create and edit videos, offering an impressive variety of filters and effects to make them more captivating and attractive, along with stickers to express yourself freely. Plus, inShot supports both iOS and Android devices!

To begin using InShot on your smartphone, tap its icon. Next, choose Video as your editing mode of choice – InShot comes equipped with plenty of pre-designed templates that you can use for creating Instagram stories as well as options to adjust canvas ratio, add music, and modify text.

While images and collages were effective at representing businesses and brands for some time, videos have now become essential in marketing your brand or business. Instagram has recognized this trend by permitting short clips to be posted as Stories or Reels posts.

InShot is a free app designed to make editing videos and creating Instagram reels easier and simpler than ever before. Packed with features to customize your videos and easy to use, InShot supports all major platforms and compatible formats like most video editing applications like Storeo or CutStory; however it may have some downsides such as limited text and music selection options.


Storrito is an online platform that enables users to prepare and post Instagram Stories from desktop computers. With an array of tools for engaging story creation, Storrito provides businesses with an efficient alternative to Instagram’s native app for crafting engaging stories. Furthermore, Storrito features analytics features to measure success of stories; its design tools are easy to use; collaboration features make collaboration between teams easier; its analytics feature also measure effectiveness of stories created.

This tool offers an easily understandable pricing plan, starting at free for 10 posts each month and including limited Instagram accounts. Influencer plans cost $25 monthly while Enterprise plans contain all enlisted features at $200 monthly cost.

Storrito offers an intuitive user experience; however, some widgets that are commonly found in Instagram stories are currently unavailable through it. In particular, music, weather and countdown widgets may not be accessible – although this should not be seen as a deal-breaker as the convenience of creating and scheduling stories from desktop computers with keyboard and mouse far outweighs any minor inconveniences.

Storrito is an invaluable tool for social media managers, bloggers and businesses. It enables you to save both time and effort by scheduling and auto-posting content; adding stickers or videos directly into Instagram stories; compatibility with most browsers; easy user experience – these all make Storrito an invaluable asset!

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