Urgent Turkey Visa For Land Port

Urgent Turkey Visa For Land Port

If you are in a hurry to visit Turkey for emergency reasons such as the death of a family member or loved one, coming to court or you have an illness, you can apply for an Emergency Turkish Visa (eVisa for Emergency).

The process of applying for a visa depends on your country, but most nationals can get a visa within three days. In other cases, it may take up to 15 working days.


An Urgent Turkey visa for Land port is a type of visa which is issued to travelers who need to enter Turkey urgently. This visa is granted for a short period and is available to tourists, businessmen, journalists, and medical visitors.

The requirements for this type of visa vary from country to country, but the most important thing is that you must have a valid passport before applying. You must also have a clear itinerary and proof of financial stability.

For example, if you are traveling for business purposes, you should bring a letter from your company informing them about your plans to travel to Turkey. This letter should also state your intention to return home after your trip and the dates you will be leaving.

If you are coming to Turkey for medical treatment, you should provide a copy of your medical record. It should mention the reason for your visit and the medical procedures that you will be going through. You should also provide a letter from your doctor informing them about the treatment that you are receiving.

In addition to the documents mentioned above, applicants must provide evidence of their ability to pay for their trip. They should also provide a valid credit card and proof that they will be able to cover the cost of their accommodation while in Turkey.

You should apply for this type of visa at least several weeks before you leave your home country. If you do not, you may be turned away by Turkish officials at the airport if you do not have a valid visa.

The e-Visa is an online visa that allows foreign travelers to enter Turkey without visiting an embassy or consulate. The application process is straightforward and takes only five minutes to complete, but it is important that you fill out all of the required information.

For example, you should include your name, address, and date of birth. You should also attach a recent photo.

There are three different types of e-Visas for Land port, and each type is based on the purpose of your travel. The first type is available for business and tourism trips, while the second is available for medical and other special purposes.

Documents required

If you are in a situation that requires you to travel to Turkey urgently, you may be eligible for an Urgent Turkey visa for Land Port. This type of visa is available to travelers who are in need of medical treatment or who have a death in their family.

In most cases, an Emergency eVisa application is processed quickly. This is because it is an electronic travel authorization that does not require an in-person interview. In addition, the eVisa is delivered to your email address immediately after it has been approved.

An eVisa is an electronic travel authorization that allows foreigners to enter Turkey. It is available to citizens of qualifying countries and can be applied for online. The eVisa is valid for up to 90 days and does not need to be stamped in the passport.

Applicants must provide a valid passport and a copy of the passport page with their eVisa on it. They should also bring proof of their return flight itinerary.

If you need to apply for a Turkish visa, it is important that you make sure that your trip is well-planned. This can help you avoid any complications and ensure that your Turkish visa is issued on time.

You should plan to apply for your eVisa at least three weeks before your trip. This is the minimum amount of time that Turkish immigration officials can process an eVisa application.

The most common reason for an Emergency eVisa is to travel to Turkey for medical treatment. If you are travelling to Turkey for this reason, you will need to provide a letter from the medical facility that confirms your diagnosis.

Another reason for an Emergency eVisa application is to attend an essential training program in Turkey. You should be able to provide evidence that this training is very important to your job or school.

In addition, you should be able to prove that you are in financial jeopardy if you are not able to attend the essential training. This is especially true if you are a student or a temporary worker.

If you are in an urgent situation, you should seek help from a travel agency that specializes in emergency visas. They can help you determine the best option for your situation and assist you with completing an application. They can also connect you with a fast-track crew that will work around the clock to ensure that you can get your visa.


If you are planning to visit a land port in Turkey, you must apply for an Urgent Turkey visa. These types of visas are issued to people who are travelling on a crisis basis, such as when a member of their family dies or is seriously ill.

The application process is relatively simple and straightforward. You need to fill out an online form with personal information like name, date of birth, and passport information. You may also be asked to provide additional documents based on your nationality.

In addition, you should also supply a valid email address that can be reached by Turkish authorities. Once you complete your application, you will receive a confirmation email from the Turkish government. You can then download the e-Visa within one hour and take it with you to Turkey.

It is a good idea to file for your visa several weeks before departure. This way, you can avoid any surprise delays or misunderstandings before you even leave the country.

If you submit a regular application, the visa will generally be approved within 3 days and sent to you via e-mail. However, you may still need to submit an urgent application if you are not sure when you will arrive in Turkey.

To apply for an Urgent Turkey visa, you need to fill out an online form with your personal details and passport information. You will then be asked to pay a fee using your debit or credit card.

Alternatively, you can submit your application at a Visa Application Centre. This method is usually quicker than applying for the visa online, but you will need to pay a higher fee.

The processing times vary depending on your application and the nationality you are applying for. Standard processing takes 24 hours, while urgent and super-rush applications are processed within 1 to 4 hours for an extra fee.

If you are applying for an Urgent Turkey visa for Land port, it is a good idea to submit your application as early as possible. This will ensure that you have enough time to complete the application and pay your fees before the deadline.

Processing time

If you need to travel to Turkey urgently, you can apply for an Urgent Turkey visa for Land port. These visas are issued for emergencies such as the death of a close relative, or medical situations that necessitate urgent treatment.

To apply for an Urgent Turkey visa for Land, you must fill out an online application form. The application will be reviewed and if you meet the requirements, you’ll receive a Turkish e-Visa by email within 24 hours.

Alternatively, you can choose to pay for a faster processing option called Super Urgent. This option requires you to pay a small additional fee. You’ll also need to complete a short survey so that we can provide you with the best possible service.

You can also register with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), which is a free service that allows US citizens to receive important travel information from the US embassy in their home country. It’s a great way to avoid delays at airport check-in, and it can help you stay safe abroad.

When applying for an Urgent Turkey visa, make sure that you have the correct documents and proofs. This includes a valid passport, an invitation letter from the Turkish embassy in your country, and travel insurance.

A valid visa is required if you’re traveling to Turkey for tourist, business, or educational purposes. It can be issued for one, three, or six months depending on your reason for visiting.

If you plan to work in Turkey, you may need a work permit as well. You can apply for a work visa through the Turkish Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

The work permit is issued for a period of six months and can be renewed as long as you continue to meet the requirements. However, if you stay longer than the specified time limit, your work permit will expire and you’ll have to re-apply for a new work permit.

To apply for an Emergency Turkish e-Visa, you must submit a properly completed application form along with the following documents:

Your application is reviewed by our visa experts to ensure that all of the documents you have submitted are valid and accurate. We will also verify your details against the latest government database of visas granted to Turkish nationals.

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