10 Most Popular Business Articles From 2023 (2)

10 Most Popular Business Articles From 2023

We published a lot of interesting business articles last year in our effort to support entrepreneurs as they expand their enterprises. I chose 10 of these because they immediately struck a chord with our readers. I sincerely hope you enjoy these posts.

Listed below are some of our top-read business stories from 2023.

1 How To Get Working Capital Loans In India

The business owners are aware of the fact that dealing with negative cash flow issues can occasionally cause the business to fail, which is why small funding can be useful in fixing immediate issues. Working capital loans can support the smooth and effective operation of your company. One of the easiest ways to preserve a company’s reputation is with this kind of business loan.

We have described how to obtain working capital loans in India in this article. Learn more about the requirements for receiving a business loan, when you should think about applying for one, and the websites that may assist you in doing so by reading on.

2) 3 Important Financial Statements Every Business Owner Should Know

Small businesses need to be well informed to thrive in a cutthroat climate, and one crucial skill they must have is the ability to read and comprehend crucial financial records.

Small firms must comprehend fundamental financial statements including “Trial Balance,” “Balance Sheet,” and “Profit and Loss” statements because they are crucial reports for ensuring their competitiveness in the market. Similar to driving a car without a dashboard, managing a firm without comprehending this financial information is impossible.

3) How To Calculate Depreciation In Your Business

Depreciation is a crucial component of accounting records that aids businesses in maintaining accurate profit records on their balance sheet and income statement.

In this post, we’ve covered the definition of depreciation, its numerous sorts, how to calculate them in small businesses, and why it’s crucial to keep track of them.

4) What Is Bharat QR Code & How Can Benefit From It

Since demonetization, many people have switched to using debit and credit cards as cashless payment options. However, there are costs associated with owning and operating the card swipe devices, as well as transaction fees, with this kind of cashless electronic payment transaction.

By introducing the Bharat QR Code, the Indian government has made another effort to promote digital payments and made life easier for both customers and business owners.

We have covered every facet of the Bharat QR code in this article. With the help of the Bharat QR Code, you may discover how to create it and how to send money.

5) All You Need To Know About Invoice Discounting

Invoice Discounting is a technique used to fully use a company’s past-due accounts. If done correctly, this can assist business owners in effectively managing their cash flow.

Fundamentally, invoice discounting expedites customer cash flow. This is done to avoid waiting for customers to pay within their credit terms. When you send the invoice, you promptly receive payment. Businesses can recover cash flow, pay suppliers and staff, and reinvest in operations by using invoice financing.

We’ve described the invoice discounting procedure and how it might help you in this post.

6) How To Start A Franchise Business

One of the hardest decisions you will ever have to make is to launch a new company. Finding a decent idea is the first step. Next, create a plan for marketing, branding, sales, hiring, etc. After that, you must focus on your product strategy before raising money to carry out your strategy.

That seems like a lot of work, no? Here is where a franchise business can be of use.

In this essay, I’ll explain what a franchise is, how it operates, what it takes to create one, and how superior it is to go into business for yourself.

7) Impact Of GST On the Service Sector

As they attempt to adapt to the implementation of this new taxation structure, many service businesses will experience significant changes over time, and we can be confident that many of them will be pleased with the adjustments.

Positive aspects are to be anticipated, and those working in the service industry are particularly interested in how things will pan out. In this essay, we evaluate both the good and negative effects of the GST on the service industry.

8) 10 Cash flow Mistakes That Can Kill Your Business

Even if you have the most brilliant ideas and your firm is growing from day one, it is common knowledge that 80% of businesses, large and small, fail or shut down simply because they are unable to manage their cash flows.

In this post, we go over some of the fatal cash flow errors that can seriously harm your company. Discover if you are making one of these errors and discover how to prevent them.

9) What Are Fixed Assets & How to Account for Them

Most small business owners base their evaluation of their company’s value solely on revenue. However, they rarely take fixed assets into account while making the computation. Fixed assets include things like buildings, furniture, office supplies, machinery, etc. It is a crucial factor in determining your company’s valuation.

What is a fixed asset, examples of fixed assets, many types of fixed assets, how they are calculated, and much more will all be covered in this article?

10) Most Popular GST Guides

2017 could be referred to as the GST year! The debut of this new tax system in July 2017 left many small business owners perplexed.

Our subject specialists at Profit Books have written several articles on GST registration, invoicing, return filing, compliance rating, and composition to assist the business community.

Please let us know in the comments area below what you would like to read about in 2022.

Small business owners frequently have a tonne of activities surrounding their firm on their plates, leaving them with little time to manage cash flows or puzzle over the business’s finances. On the other hand, improper financial management could result in the complete failure of your organization.

Even if you have the most brilliant ideas and your firm is growing from day one, it is common knowledge that 80% of businesses, large and small, fail or shut down simply because they are unable to manage their cash flows.

To make matters worse, certain unrecognized charges or expenses have a detrimental effect on cash flows, making it extremely difficult to control them.

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