Everything you need to know before jailbreaking your phone

Everything you need to know before jailbreaking your phone (2)

Jailbreaking is the process of removing the restrictions on your iPhone or iPad. This allows you to download apps that aren’t available in the App Store, install custom themes on your device and even change how it looks and works. There are many benefits to jailbreaking your phone, but there are also some risks involved with doing so. In this post we’ll cover everything you need to know about jailbreaking in order to make an informed decision about whether this is something you want to do or not!

What is jailbreaking?

Jailbreaking is the process of removing software restrictions imposed by Apple. This allows you to install apps that have been rejected by Apple, modify core system functions and even add new features.

It’s important to note that jailbreaking is legal: it doesn’t void your warranty or violate any laws. In fact, you can do it right now without voiding anything at all!

Why should I jailbreak my phone?

jailbreaking phone gives you more control over the device and allows you to install apps that are not available in the App Store. You can customize the look and feel of your iPhone, as well as use a custom firmware, which is not available in the App Store.

You may also want to jailbreak because there are some cool things out there like:

Can I brick my iPhone if I follow the instructions on a YouTube video?

If you follow the instructions on a YouTube video, and your iPhone becomes “bricked” (meaning it can’t be used), you may be able to fix it by following these steps:

  • Plug in your device and open iTunes.
  • Select “Restore” from within iTunes.

If this doesn’t work, try restoring again with different firmware versions until you find one that works for your device.

Is it legal to jailbreak an iPhone?

There are no laws against jailbreaking an iPhone. It is not a crime to jailbreak an iPhone, and it never has been. In fact, the only time anyone ever tried to make it illegal was back in 2012 when the Librarian of Congress refused to renew an exemption for unlocking phones (the process by which you can change carriers on your phone).

When Apple announced that they would allow users who had purchased their phones through AT&T or Verizon Wireless to unlock them without needing permission from those carriers first, this caused some confusion among people who thought this meant that unlocking had always been legal after all; but in reality there are still plenty of reasons why you might want or need to unlock your phone–and they’re all perfectly legal!

How do I install a new operating system after jailbreaking?

To install a new operating system, you’ll need to use iTunes. If you don’t have iTunes, download it from the Apple website and install it on your computer. Once that’s done, connect your phone with its charging cable to your computer and open up iTunes. Select “Restore” from within iTunes and follow the prompts to reinstall iOS (the default option). Finally, restart your phone before enjoying all of its new features!

When is it not safe to use JailbreakMe.com?

If you have an old version of iOS, it may not work. If your phone is jailbroken, it won’t work either. And if you’re using an older device (or one that’s been jailbroken), JailbreakMe doesn’t support it.

JailbreakMe only supports the following devices:

  • iPhone 3GS and above (except for the 4S)
  • iPod touch 2nd generation and above

Learn how to safely and legally hack your iPhone

Jailbreaking is the process of removing limitations imposed by Apple on your iPhone or iPad.

It allows you to install apps that aren’t available in the App Store, change how your device looks and behaves, and even add new features.

If you’re new to jailbreaking, it can seem like a daunting task–but with this guide at hand as well as our step-by-step video tutorials (coming soon), we’ll show you how easy it really is!


So, now that you’re up to speed on what jailbreaking is and how it works, you should be ready to start exploring your options. We hope this article has given you enough information to start making the best decision for yourself. Remember: always do your research before starting any new project!

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