What’s my opinion on dry firing

Well, let’s discuss what it even is first. Dry firing is when you gain experience on using a gun without actually having ammunition in it. Dry firing can make the user become more familiar with holding a weapon. Every weapon has a different weight, size, and range. But how accurate is it? You wouldn’t be able to feel the pain in your shoulder if you happen to be holding the weapon incorrectly. But, you would be able to have your shooting tracked and monitored to show your progress. My opinion in dry firing is it can be beneficial – but only for so long. Dry firing can definitely help the user understand how to switch on and off the safety. The first rule about owning a gun is to make sure it is never pointed in someone’s direction – even if the chamber is empty. Dry firing can get people in the habit of making sure it is never pointing at someone and your finger stays off the trigger until it’s time to fire. Some people might think “but ammunition can be expensive!” Anyone buying a gun realizes just how much the upkeep and ammunition could cost. Cleaning a gun takes specific tools and every pack of ammo will cost different depending on the gun, where you buy it, and how many bullets or shells come in the pack. Dry firing can also be beneficial because there are certain drills people can practice, whether for fun or for your job, where it’s best to begin with dry firing. It can help them to learn to change magazines in a more timely manner and get right back to aiming at their target. To me, buying a new gun and splurging on ammunition when you don’t even understand how to shoot just seems kind of irresponsible. You should understand completely what you’re doing with your weapon before bullets or shells are put into it. I feel it would benefit some to try dry firing or shooting simulators first before actually going through the process of buying a gun in the first place. They might realize they need more practice than they thought. Maybe they realize they actually don’t want a gun at all anymore. Now, of course, these simulations aren’t just free. The money that would have been going to ammunition would be going to these simulations instead. But that is just something you should accept before buying a weapon. Whether you practice shooting with or without ammo, there will be money being spent. In conclusion, dry firing has many pros and cons – but it really will help improve a gun handler’s ability to use their weapon. In the end, if dry firing became mandatory, it would decrease the number of injuries and fatalities from mishandling a firearm. Think about it: more practice with a firearm would equal less incidents with said firearm. Knowing how to hold a weapon during a regular day at the range can be the difference between life and death. According to [Updated 2020] Examining Accidental Gun Death Statistics | Aftermath Services , “from 2006 – 2016 almost 6,885 people in the U.S. died from unintentional shootings”. That’s almost 6,885 too many. I get it, accidents happen. But this isn’t just some small accident. Life was taken too soon because someone messed up with a gun somewhere down the line. Mistakes like this can be Julianna Price prevented by: learning how to switch safety on and off, getting trigger locks for the firearm, and putting the firearm in a locked safe.

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